CHS: School-Parent Compact for Achievement 2021-2022
What is a School-Parent Compact?
A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach or exceed grade-level standards.
Effective compacts:
- Link to goals of the school improvement plan
- Focus on student learning skills
- Describe how teachers will help students develop those skills using high-quality curriculum and effective instruction in a supportive learning environment
- Share strategies parents can use at home
- Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress
- Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in the classroom
District Goals
Goal 1: Proficiency for All-High-quality curriculum and instruction in every classroom, everyday.
Goal 2: 100% Attendance-Attendance Matters.
Goal 3: Parent, Community & Student Engagement: Engagement & partnership to prepare students for college, career & civic life.
Goal 4: School Safety: Safe learning environments that foster success.
Goal 5: 100% Graduation: Commitment to achieving 100% graduation, career and college ready students.
School Goals
Goal 1: ELA-By June 2020, all students will increase their Lexile levels by 50 points moving from a total average of SS 711 to SS 761 as measured by STAR 360 assessment.
Goal 2: Math-By June 2020, all students will increase their performance by an average of 50 points moving from SS 737 to 787 as measured by STAR 360.
Goal 3: EL-By June 2020, the reclassification rate for all English Learners will reach at least 30% per the district measurement.
Goal 4: By June 2020, parent attendance at school/parent meetings will increase by 5%, moving from 25% to 30%.
Goal 5: By June 2020, the Suspension rate for all students will decrease by.06% moving from .06% to 0% per California Dashboard.
Our school provides high quality curriculum and instruction in supportive and effective classroom environments to enable students to meet state academic standards. We support our students and work hard to provide a welcoming, safe school environment.
Jointly Developed
The following school-parent compact achievement for Jack London Continuation High School was developed with the input from all stakeholders, including: teachers, staff members, parents and community members. Title I Advisory Council and SSC met, reviewed, and approved this compact on the following dates:
Title I: August 31, 2021
SSC: August 31, 2021
Activities to Build Partnerships:
- Parent Information Meeting (Fall/Spring)
- Parent Workshops (4x a year)
- Title I/SSC councils (Monthly)
- Monthly Student Recognition
- Career Day
- Coffee with the Principal (Monthly)
- Peace Conference
Jack London Continuation High School parents are encouraged to volunteer, participate in, and/or observe a classroom.
Communication about Student Learning
Our school is committed to regular two-way communication with families about their children’s learning. Some of the ways parents and teachers communicate all year are:
- Initial Intake with student and parent
- Student Report Cards (Every 4 weeks)
- Certificate of Achievement for students that earned 75 points or more every two weeks
- A 24 hour turn-a-round for all communication between teachers and parents
- Parent Portal
- The use of Blackboard Connect by teachers & office staff
- School Website
- Student Absence calls through Blackboard Connect
- Email and TXT to inform parents
In the Classroom
The staff at Jack London Continuation High School agrees to the following practices in order to improve academic achievement for all students:
- Deliver standards-based lessons in core curriculum subjects
- Utilize technology in the classroom through the following programs: Edgenuity, STAR 360
- Provide instruction based on student level and student needs, in small group setting and/or 1 to 1.
- Deliver standards-based lessons in core curriculum subjects
- The use of Best Practices:
- Speak in complete sentences
- Use academic vocabulary
- Write daily
At Home
Parents will support their children’s education in the following ways:
- Make sure students come to school every day on time
- Make sure student completes 75 points every two weeks
- Communicate regularly with their child’s teacher
- Attend all parent conferences
- Attend parent workshops and school-wide events
- Volunteer when possible
Students will share the responsibility to improve their academic achievement and meet the Common Core State Standards in the following ways:
- Come to school every day on time
- Complete and return homework everyday & ask for help when needed
- Follow all school rules
- Give school flyers & and report cards to parents
*Numbers correspond to sections in the School-Parent Compact Guide to Quality. Note: Adapted by the Title I Policy and Program Guidance Office, California Department of Education, with permission from the Connecticut State Department of Education. 2016. Building Powerful Partnerships with Families: Transforming Your Old Title I School-Parent Compacts into Effective Action Plans. Tool #7B: Blank Template. Available at